Lesson Learned…

Each month is filled with hills and valleys. Lessons are learned from making wise decisions and making mistakes. I have always been hard on myself, trying to prove that I am not who or what people think I am. Now, I grant myself grace because in all my greatness, I am flawed and sometimes I make mistakes…and that is okay. What others think about me is not my concern.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a girl’s girl. I love to uplift, encourage, and celebrate women. Sadly, those sentiments have not always been reciprocated. This caused a hurt so deep, it created an insecurity within me. I felt like women did not like me nor could they connect with me. I no longer allow those lies to fill my head. There are some amazing women who love and celebrate me…genuinely. I am learning to recognize and appreciate true, authentic friendships. This was a big one for me.

Focusing on positive things has been a game changer. It is easy to ponder on negativity. I refuse to live my life that way. Positivity + Action = Positive Results…period. Now, you may have to repeat these steps a few times, but that’s okay. Eventually, you will achieve a positive outcome. You got this…WE got this.

Some hard decisions were made over the last couple of months , but as they say, “A blessing delayed, is not a blessing denied.” God is in control, even when it doesn’t look like it. Believe it or not, one of the hardest things for me to do was put myself first. My husband and children have been telling me this for years. Finally, self-care has become a priority for me. This looks different to everyone. For me, doing at-home manicures, pedicures and hydrating facial masks every week is a part of my self-care. Valuing myself more and recognizing what I bring to every room I enter has been a part of my self-care journey as well. In the past, I would dim my light around certain people so that their light could shine. I stopped that with the quickness. I let this bright light shine, Baby….full KILOWATT😉 Since then, some doors(friendships, relationships) were closed and other doors- bigger doors have opened. When we let our light shine, new opportunities come our way.

The most important thing I have learned on this journey was to be more intentional when it comes to my family. I make a point to plan date nights with David and (even though they are grown) hang out with my kids. Even if we stay home, I try to create special moments for them. I check on them- their mental and spiritual wellness. What I sow into them, they give back to me a thousand times more. They are truly the best.

No matter how August ends, make a decision to begin September with an optimistic mindset. Life is going to life and we will make mistakes. Learn from it, don’t repeat it, and move on. You’re awesome, Girl. I’m rooting for you.




Overcoming Fear…