Surrender To The Journey You Are On…

If you hear someone say, ”Life be life’n”, that means all hell is breaking loose in their life. From relationship issues to financial problems, we all can attest to that phrase. You may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Well I’d like to offer a different perspective. Instead of fighting against what is happening…surrender to it. Not in the sense that you are giving up or losing hope, but in a way where you are trusting that God(if you believe in Him) will see you through and give you insight on whatever it is you are going through. I have approached problems both ways and I can tell you emphatically that surrendering to my journey has benefited me more than stressing. I’ve learned lessons, matured, and acquired tools on how to deal with future issues that may arise. I am a firm believer that if we stay in faith and keep a heart of gratitude, eventually things will get better. Being(and staying) stressed out can make us lose sight of what is going right in our lives- that’s where the gratitude comes into play. There’s always something to be grateful for. The fact that we are alive shows that we ought to be(grateful). Now I’m not saying things will be a cake walk, because they won’t. I’m just saying that if we take on a posture of gratitude and optimism, good things will begin to manifest on our journey. Recently, David and I encountered an issue with my car. It was totally unexpected and we were looking at a very expensive bill, so we could have easily freaked out. Instead, we leaned on one another to remain calm and optimistic as we tried to find a solution. Like I mentioned earlier, good things began to happen, which ultimately resulted in our car issue being taken care of. I am continually encouraged to surrender to the journey that I’m on knowing that sooner or lately, all will be well.




Keep going…even when no one is watching

